Choosing the Correct Roof Ventilation For Bushfire-Resistant Buildings

Understanding Bushfire Attack Levels, Ember Guards and Roof Fans for Optimum Protection

Australia’s diverse landscapes and climates bring forth the ever-present risk of bushfires. Buildings in bushfire risk areas must adhere to strict building standards where bushfire attack levels (BAL) are assigned to evaluate fire risks. Among these requirements are roof fans built specifically to prevent the ingress of embers, which is crucial in safeguarding these properties. 

This blog highlights the importance of bushfire safety measures and our product range for structures in bushfire areas. 

Understanding Bushfire Attack Levels (BAL)

Bushfire Attack Levels, or BAL, are pivotal to building design in Australia. The levels are assigned based on the potential risk of a bushfire in a particular area, ranging from BAL-LOW (lowest risk) to BAL-FZ (flame zone, highest risk). Building owners must design their structures following the BAL specific to their location.  

Ember Guards for Roof Ventilation Openings

Embers and burning debris can travel over 5km in windy conditions. To help combat this, Australian building standards mandate the installation of ember guards for roof ventilation openings in BAL areas. These guards are essential in preventing embers and burning debris from entering a building during a bushfire. By adhering to this regulation, the risk of fire spreading inside a building is significantly reduced.

Ensuring building safety against bushfire threats is paramount in Australia. Complying with bushfire attack levels and building standards, along with installing the correct bushfire-rated fans, will give you and your property the best chance of survival should a bushfire occur.

Pacific Ventilation BAL-Rated Fans

Pacific Ventilation offers a range of roof-mounted ventilation fans designed to BAL standards. Their design ensures embers and fire debris cannot enter the ventilation system, significantly reducing the risk of internal fires.

One of the BAL-40-compliant products is the BKMV kitchen and general exhaust fan that is equipped with an ember guard. This fan is designed to operate in BAL zones except for BAL-FZ. We do not produce any fans for BAL-FZ rated areas. Like all Pacific Ventilation fans, BKMV is built to ensure long-lasting performance, even under challenging conditions.

BKMV’s all-metal construction improves lifespan, and the out-of-airstream motor and speed control make BKMV highly reliable. BKMV fan performance has been determined by testing to ISO 5801:2007. Fan sound data has been determined by testing to AMCA 300.

Another noteworthy product is the BVD roof-mounted exhaust fan. This fan is also ideal for commercial buildings situated in bushfire-prone regions.

The BVD roof fan comes with an adjustable pitch axial impellor, and the base, wind band, and shutter flaps are manufactured from galvanized steel. The steel flap mounting mechanism is designed to prevent water leakage reliably. All openings on the fan are protected with ember mesh to AS 3959:2018

Complying with Bushfire Attack Levels and Building Standards

Ensuring building safety against bushfire threats is paramount in Australia. Complying with bushfire attack levels and building standards, along with installing the correct bushfire-rated fans, will give you and your property the best chance of survival should a bushfire occur.

At Pacific Ventilation, we don’t just offer top-of-the-line products; we provide an experienced team with a deep understanding of Australian building standards and exceptional product knowledge to ensure peace of mind and the highest level of safety and compliance against bushfire threats and fire emergencies.  

Contact us to chat further about your ventilation needs.